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Department of Cellular and Molecular
Department of Cellular and Molecular

Department Introduction

Findings from the cellular and molecular studies are intended to provide a better understanding about the aetiology and the mechanisms of disease. These findings assist to evaluating the efficacy of preventive, as well as therapeutic, nutritional interventions and eventually lead to more rational strategies for disease prevention and control
The Cellular and Molecular Nutrition program’s strengths are the emphasis on excellence in translational laboratory research to explore metabolic pathways, gene-nutrient interactions, and mechanisms by which dietary factors influence disease processes, which provide the foundation of the field of Nutrition Science.

  • Faculty explores mechanisms of obesity, diabetes, and cancer using molecular and cellular models.
  • Students present their research at a number of national and international conferences and are expected to publish their thesis and dissertation work in high-quality peer-reviewed, scientific journals.
  • Professional development is fostered through the development of general laboratory skills and state-of-the-art molecular biological techniques exploring effects on gene, protein, and metabolic expression patterns.

The basic sciences are the fundamental basis in any academic field; the department therefore seeks to empower the students theoretically so they will be ready for their technical and specialized courses in Nutrition as well as Food Science and Technology programs.

  • Phone : +982188983025-137
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