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  • تاریخ انتشار : Aug 28 2024 - 01:17
  • تعداد بازدید کنندگان خبر : 171
  • زمان مطالعه : Less than one minute

Apply to TUMS

Apply to TUMS-2024

TUMS, as the number one medical university in Iran, with more than 250 online & on-campus courses and 16 teaching hospitals, is ready to make your dreams true.

We, along with 1600 faculty members, are here to accept potential students from all over the world as a member of TUMS who seeks difference. More than 13000 medical national & international students in both undergraduate and graduate programs are studying here now.



TUMS Online Application Form is simple. It is open all year round.

Ready for your new academic challenge?

Dear Applicants,

If you applied to TUMS before and your application is in process, in order to access your account, please click on the following link to follow your application:



If you are a new applicant, please click on the following link:



  • کد خبر : 276217
کلمات کلیدی
Ameneh Shahbazi

Ameneh Shahbazi

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